who we are
PharmItBe has been acquired by TopGum! TopGum will use PharmItBe’s state-of-the-art laboratory to access comprehensive chemical-analytical services, as well as meet the strictest international compliance standards.
What We do
We provide a range of R&D services to issue R&D dossier: composition, manufacturing process, specifications, methods, stability studies, complete QBD based pharmaceutical development report and support in submission.
We accompany customers until product is submitted and approved.
Also, we provide analytical GMP services: stability study, validations, in-vitro etc.
How we do it
We accumulated years of experience in development of topical drug products.
For generic products, full reverse-engineering of RLD is included in the development. PharmItBe is responsible for the patent circumvent if any relevant.
Our laboratories are equipped with all necessary analytical instruments and managed under GLP rules.
PharmItBe co-operates with well-known pharmaceutical companies and start-ups.
December 2019 – The 3st ANDA approved.
April 2019 – Passed FDA inspection (No observations).
July 2018 – The 2st ANDA approved.
April 2018 – The 1st ANDA approved.
You can contact us by clicking here
PharmItBe is located in South of Israel
and has 450 square meters of fully-equipped
analytical and formulation laboratories.